Adventure Events

Experience God In Nature

Nature awakens the senses that get dulled in our day to day. In the awakening of the senses and experiencing things in more dimensions the experiences are more meaningful and memorable.             


Adventure brings a heightened awareness and receptiveness because of the unfamiliar situation you can find yourself which provides an opportunity for transformation. The way that He moves in nature brings peace to the mind, body and soul.  The way that He moves in nature brings healing to brokenness.  Nature moves at a pace that we can accept and understand whereas the rest of the world moves so quickly it can easily cause confusion and division within us.  Nature activates all of the senses which allows the person to become more alive and to live in the moment (the only place where God is!)  Nature brings us to life as we surround ourselves by life! Nature is a gift of God that we must unwrap and we must make it available for others to experience because it is God and they will encounter Him.  It is His creation and He is perfectly in these creations that we call nature.     

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vel velit erat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. 

Morbi aliquam urna nec porttitor fermentum. Sed sodales magna sed ex fringilla ultrices. Integer hendrerit rutrum ex, non lacinia nibh tempus sit amet. 

Pellentesque molestie tellus vitae convallis vehicula. Sed sollicitudin at elit ut facilisis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nam id nibh eget elit consectetur pretium.

Nulla id est vitae ligula vestibulum aliquet. Nulla facilisi. Etiam molestie justo quis tincidunt mollis. 

Curabitur at purus sagittis, eleifend ipsum ac, porta turpis. Integer fermentum, sapien sed feugiat consequat, ipsum quam dictum dui, id consectetur tellus ex eget nunc.

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